LOS ANGELES, CALIF – The Center for Ayurveda in Los Angeles provides provide Ayurvedic diagnostics, counseling and treatment for a broad range of medical and psychological ailments. The center works conscientiously to provide patients with a serene, supportive environment.
Mela Gaskins Butcher, director of the center, chose three large pieces of David Leaser’s artwork to beautify the center. “I have three of David’s beautiful pieces at my medical practice and my patients comment daily on their calming beauty,” Gaskins said.
The installation of three botanical images, each approximately 4’ x 4’, provides a serene art gallery feeling to the center. Gaskins said Leaser’s art fits corporate and home settings. “I can recommend David Leaser’s art to anyone interested in enhancing their living or work space in an exceptional way.
“Think Georgia O’Keefe meets Zen Garden and you have a feeling for David’s magnificent eye and the results,” Gaskins said.
The Center of Ayurveda maintains clinics in Los Angeles and Ojai, California. Contact the center at Info@Centerforayurveda.com.